From the Pastors Desk


    • Mar22Fri

      Quenching the Holy Spirit

      March 22, 2019 Pastor Byron Hand

      Quenching The Holy Spirit


                  We have two more weeks left in our sermon series on the Holy Spirit. This Sunday my topic is “Things I Can do to the Holy Spirit (But probably shouldn’t).” The final message in our series is “By my Spirit Says the Lord” (Zech. 4:1-7). From April 4-14 Jackie and I will be travelling to Israel along with a group from CBC (Marlene French, Jean McRoberts, Bill and Jean Harris, Steve and Dale Wakem, Ruth and Jack Constable, Leonard and Sherry Butters, Clare and Trudy Chiddick, Jackie’s Sister Sandra and her Husband Pete). During my absence Jim Vellenga will be bringing God’s Word on April 7th. Jim and His wife, Annette, and family have been attending CBC for some time now. You will enjoy his solid exposition of the Word. On April 14thwe will have Barry Slauenwhite, President of Compassion Canada, speaking and sharing the scriptures with us. Barry is author of “Strategic Compassion: Reuniting the Good News and Good Works in the Fight against Poverty.” I will be back in the Pulpit on Good Friday and Easter Sunday and will be exposing the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ from Isaiah 53. On Sunday April 28thwill be joined by Cory McKenna (The CrossCurrent) who will minister in our morning service, then, following a lunch together will be teaching us how to share our faith with effectiveness in the afternoon … it will be a full day but a great opportunity to increase our confidence in sharing the Gospel. In May we will be returning to our study of the Gospel of Luke (chapter 20 – WE plan to conclude Luke on September 1). There is our schedule for the spring. Thanks for all your constant encouragement. 

                  The following is a brief devotional by A.W. Tozer on 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 – Enjoy.


      Quench not the Spirit. Holdfast to that which is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:19–20)

      Are we raising a whole generation of young men and women without any sensitivity to the voice of God’s Holy Spirit?

      I am on record, and I will be as long as I live, that I would rather lose a leg and hobble along throughout the rest of my life than to lose my sensitivity to God and to His voice and to spiritual things!

      Oh, how I want to keep that sensitivity within me—within my soul!

      I am thinking about a great throng of men and women raised in Christian homes. They have been brought up in Sunday school. They probably cut their first baby tooth on the edge of a hymn book when the mother was not watching.

      Still, to this day, they are not right with God. Some have made a kind of profession but have never been able to delight themselves in the Lord.

      The reason? They have lost sensitivity to the message and the voice of God. If the Holy Spirit cannot move something within their beings every day they are not going to be effective Christians—if they are Christians at all!


      See You Sunday,


      Pastor Byron