From the Pastors Desk
This coming Friday, April 10, 2020 at 10:30 am we will be having our Livestream Good Friday Service (minus the hot cross buns). We will be celebrating communion together (via the internet). This will be a first for many of us. (We have been dealing with a great many firsts these days!!) In this email I wanted to help you prepare for communion on Good Friday.
Scripture you can read to prepare your heart and mind: 1 Corinthians 11:23-30
Some facts to remember:
- Communion is an Ordinance of the Church (Scripturally mandated church practice)
- Communion is a SYMBOL of the Truth of the Gospel
WE as a church believe the Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is the proclamation and commemoration by believers of Christ’s redeeming death until He comes. Therefore, participation should be preceded by a person’s careful examination of their heart and life, especially as he or she relates to the body of believers (1 Corinthians 10:14-21; 11:20-29).
4 Significant Statements about Communion:
- It is a remembrance of Christ (1 Cor. 11:24). It recalls His life and suffering (the bread), His death (the cup), His resurrection and living presence (the service itself).
- It is a proclamation of His death (1 Cor. 11:26). The service itself states the Gospel message as well as the claims of the Gospel on the redeemed person.
- It is an assurance of Christ’s second coming (Matt. 26:29; 1 Cor. 11:26).
- It is a time of fellowship with Christ and His people (1 Cor. 10:21).
As many of you will celebrate communion in your home with children present, you will need to address some truths:
- Since communion is for believers only (1 Cor. 11) this can be a great time to discuss the truth of the Gospel with your children.
- It can be a powerful time to lead your children to faith in Christ and how that is pictured in communion.
- If your children are not yet ready, or are too young to understand the implications of the Gospel on their lives, explain to them that this is your way of showing your love for Jesus’ love for you. (See. Joshua 4:6-10)
- This can be a powerful teaching tool and witness. Remember God sees the heart!
What you will need:
- Some kind of Juice – In the new Testament they used wine. You can use grape juice. I’ve used cranberry juice. (I’ve even used Coke at a Youth Retreat). The symbolism of the grape is that the fruit was crushed. Symbolizing His death.
- You will need some kind of bread – The bread symbolizes the body that suffered (was broken). Unleavened bread is not necessary. I have used Naan Bread; Fresh Baked Bread; Crackers of all kinds (Yes I have used Gold Fish).
- I will do the scripture reading and meditation
I am really looking forward to having communion with you Good Friday.
(PS – Adam, Elissa and I are bringing our OWN communion elements to lower any risk)
I am looking forward to being with you (virtually) this Sunday … We will be in James 1 again
God Bless You and Stay Safe,Pastor Byron
Remember Service this Sunday is 10:30am ….
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