From the Pastors Desk
2020 Bible Reading
Every Christian I know would acknowledge how important regular bible reading is to the Christian life. But, in reality, most of us struggle to put that fact into practice. There are numerous reasons we don’t read our bible’s, some are valid and some are just excuses. We want to help you with one of the major reasons stated in many surveys. The reason has to do with “not having a plan.”
I have heard these questions many times: Where do I start? Can I get a plan that will help me read through the bible for greater comprehension? How can I track my reading? And questions like these.
In the lobby of the church I have placed numerous bible reading plans to help you. If you would like to get a head start before Sunday, here are some links to help you:
The Following are a couple of the best for you on-line readers:
1. This one is linked to the YouVersion App – Many different plans to follow -
Whichever one you choose, make a commitment to keep going. When you slip up (notice I said when, not if) don’t be discouraged and give up, just get right back at it. Remember …
Psalm 119:30 “The entrance of your Words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.”
Happy New Year!
Pastor Byron