
    "How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (Romans 10:14)

    Community Bible Church has always aspired to obey and participate in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) by choosing to support global, national, and local missionaries (both long and short term).  Please find more information below about the wonderful individuals and organizations we support, who are bringing the good news of Jesus to others.

    Click here for Introduction Missionary Application-Short or Long Term

    For more information contact Isaac Hiscox

    Sarah Campbell - Executive Director Send Email arkaidmission.ca

    Our mission objective is to aid neighbours in need. We are dedicated to creating tools and services to help people get back on their feet and start more productive and joyful lives. 

    The work and ministry of the Ark Aid Street Mission Inc. is dedicated to helping anyone in their time of need, regardless of colour, race or creed. We provide holistic services for the WHOLE person, realizing they need to discover for themselves VALUES  for their life. Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. 

    What does it take to help a human life...A sense of BELONGING, WORTH, COMPETENCE.