Pastor Of Ministries

    Originally from Beaverton, Ontario, Don graduated from Ontario Bible College (Tyndale University) with a Bachelor of Religious Education Degree. After obtaining a Travel & Tourism certificate, Don began a 28-year career as a Group Tour Planner at Ellison Travel & Tours. During this time he was involved in a number of ministries at the church ranging from Life Groups and Missions to Children's Ministry and Youth, including the role of an Elder. A midlife career change has enabled Don to further live out his passion to serve Jesus in the local church and encourage people to be involved in ministry.

     Don and his wife, Wendy, met while working at camp, and now have 4 grown children: Bryan, Paul, Isaac & Jill. They also enjoy an active role as grandparents! Foster care has also been a transformational part of our family life.

    Don enjoys an active lifestyle including soccer, hiking, ping pong and travel. He is also the author of a children's story, The Sled: A Christmas Story (illustrated by Christy Lundy).

    Favorite Passage: Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight."